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My Approach


I work with clients 16 yrs. and older. I specialize in anxiety-based disorders, life-balance issues, perfectionism and shame recovery, healing from past trauma, boundary implementation, and learning to establish and maintain healthy relationships with self and others.

How we meet

Here's a little sneak peek at what a session looks like. A typical session is 50 minutes long. We can meet in my office or via tele practice. For tele practice, you will receive a link for your appointment. Simply follow the prompts and join me. We can meet virtually from the comfort of your home, office, car, or any other place where you have privacy and internet service.   

How I work

I love to accompany people on their journey to well-being. It is a true honor that I do not take lightly. You will often hear of counseling or therapy as "doing your work". There is a reason for that. It requires work. If I could do that work for you, I would. But... I can't. Only you can. So, over the years I have found that the best outcomes occur when my clients are invested in their own wellness. This is often a process, and I honor that wholeheartedly. It takes a while to be "all in". I'm happy to support you on that path. We work towards you showing up for yourself, and making yourself a priority. We work towards you enhancing your mind, body, and spiritual connections. We also work towards you treating yourself with kindness through your thoughts and behaviors. With couples work, we work on showing up and being seen in the relationship, establishing appropriate boundaries, practicing kindness, and re-building trust as needed. 

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